As I mentioned in June, my blogging abilities has been greatly reduced as

Currently the Hat Trick is blogging from the Alexandria Embassy Suites (a nice hotel by the way) as movers are packing our home in Alexandria, Virginia and will be loading the big moving truck today later today. Needless to say this experience has been filled highs and lows and some drama in-between but it seems to be coming together.
Our hom

I suspect that I'm supposed to pen something poetic about leaving Washington, DC and the memories I have compiled over 15 years but I have to be honest and say that I'm happy to get the hell out of here. The Hat Trick has always had an uneasy relationship with the city, particularly the crowds, cost of living and the types of people that live here. I've met good people and will leave some good friends behind but it is a lot hard to meet quality people here and I'm kind of tired of the search. All in all I think this is going to be a good move for the Hat Tricks and an opportunity to start fresh after a frustrating 15 months (and counting) of unemployment.
Wish us luck as we take the plunge!
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