Monday, March 30, 2020

The Virus, the Swamp and the Wings...Oh My...

Needless it's been busy time since I attempted to begin blogging again...I had good intentions back in October of 2019 but got busy with the holidays, work and more work.  And then this crazy virus situation has just made life go into "full interesting" mode...

Since my last post I've gone all in on really my first true love, the aviation world.  I'm working full-time for a major airline in the area of ramp operations mostly, spending some time at the gate and occasionally getting to operate the jetway.  It's been fun, although stressful between the holidays and then what we call in Florida "Season" and then the current disaster.  No layoffs so far, just reduced schedules for everyone and a hiring freeze.  The hiring freeze shuts down any attempts at trying to move up within the company, but I'm okay for now and will continue to develop skills to try and make me a more candidate in the future.

As to the virus, I try not to think about it, especially at the airport.  Our flight schedules have dropped dramatically, but we will have passengers arriving from infected areas so I try to be as careful as possible.  It's probably more dangerous when I do have to venture to a grocery store, or Costco, as some generational people in my area (generally older adults) don't seem to understand the concept of social distancing...very frustrating!!!

Finally, what can I say about our current political class?  Not much. There are a few members o Congress trying to do the right thing, but for the most part the impeachment faros and then the loading up of a stimulus bill with unnecessary items tells you all you need to know.  And Republicans would likely have done the same thing had they been in power.  It's very discouraging.  While I still lean more "center-right, moderate conservative" it feels more and more like being in the political wilderness than every before.  Two sharp factions, one hard left and one hard right, are controlling our politics and leaving those of us with mixed fews firmly without any political base.  It's an alarming situation and doesn't look like it will get any better.

To that end I may end discussing political items and move the hat trick to happier items...focusing on aviation and hockey (if that ever comes back).  Even though the Red Wings have had some disappointing seasons recently, they are still a more honest topic to discuss than anything happening in politics in 2020.