Here we go...this is being written the Monday before Election Day and the Hat Trick's ballot has been cast and, according to the Supervisor of Elections, counted. They count early ballots in Florida which is why they sometimes can make a prediction although I don't expect that this year. Based on polling it's going to be close and voters will need to look at both Florida and Pennsylvania to see if President Trump has a realistic chance at re-election. As Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight site noted, it is possible for the President to be re-elected through the Electoral College, similar to 2016, and polls have closed in key states recently. And it's important to note that Silver's site leans left so it is important to take that information in when evaluating their data, much like readers everywhere should do when evaluating information...what is the source? Is it credible?
Needless to say there is a lot at stake in the 2020 election, as if 2020 hasn't been a fairly full year already. My opinion of Donald Trump remains the same as it was in 2016, another year when I didn't vote for him. I don't agree with former Vice President Biden on a lot of policy issues but the last four years have shown how completely unfit he is for this office. It's time for him to go.